Vol 37, No 2 (2021)

Table of Contents


Contents PDF


These are the (β, α, δ) days of our lives PDF
P D Gopalan 41-44


A review of the use of inhaled nitric oxide in the PICU at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, 2011-2015: A retrospective cohort study PDF
S Padayachee, S Salie 45-50
The indications for and timing of haemodialysis in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury in Johannesburg, South Africa PDF
P M Brown, L Redford, S Omar 51-56
Alarms in the ICU: A study investigating how ICU nurses respond to clinical alarms for patient safety in a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa PDF
A Ramlaul, G Chironda, P Brysiewicz 57-62
The organisational response of a hospital critical care service to the COVID-19 pandemic: The Groote Schuur Hospital experience PDF
W Michell, I Joubert, S Peters, D Fredericks, M Miller, J Piercy, C Arnold-Day, D Thomson, R vanZyl-Smit, G Calligaro, G Strathie, P Semple, R Hofmeyr, D Peters, K Dheda 63-69


Is there a role for melatonin in the intensive care unit? PDF
G Richards, A Bentley, D Gopalan, L Brannigan, F Paruk 77
Guidelines for the hospital role of the clinical nurse in antimicrobial stewardship: A scoping review PDF
J Rout, S Essack, P Brysiewicz 70-76